- Traveling Salesman -

While this Java-applet is loading, please read on. Ready when blinking..

Netscape 2.0 in 32 bits (and patience) or other Java-browser required!


You are a Traveling Salesman - and you should visit a number of cities, before you return home. You want to save gasoline and find the shortest route....

Q: How do you save gasoline?
A: Try the Java-applet below..

(BTW, this problem is similar to finding the shortest cable for a token-ring network.)

Further, you're crossing a border line several times. Depending on the presence and the mood of the toll controller this may cost you money - or save you money if toll controller wants to - off the record- buy some of your goods...

TOTAL COSTS = length of route + Toll Costs

The Model:

Press "** TRY 1000 **" a couple of times to see how the applet shortens the route. Not every attempt yields a shorter route.
If you introduce a negative "Toll Fee" the applet tries to avoid crossing the red border line. However, if the "Toll Fee" is positive, i.e. you manage to make money dealing with the toll officer, the applet seeks to cross the border suspiciously often..
A small work-animation is shown for larger jobs (>1000 iterations)


The so-called "Traveling Salesman Problem" this applet solves, is a well known mathematical problem from Operations Research - and numerous methods has been suggested through the last 40 years. The implemented algorithm is by far the best, however, as it provides quick and good solutions (not necessarily the best). The scheme can be inspected by setting the "Iteration" to "1" and press the "Try 1" several times.


To find the optimal solution you have to go through all possible routes, and the numbers of routes increases exponential with the numbers of cities. ("NP-complete") This means that a few years ago computers were NOT able to calculate the optimal solution if you had more than 50 cities! Which allows me to mention the "Corn flakes-method" as introduced by my former math-teacher, Jacobsen, to solve the TSP-problem of say the capitol cities of the USA.

Corn flakes-method:

Don't forget that the number of routes with 50 cities is (50-2)!,approximately:

The Applet:

This applet was written using JDK 1.0, WIN95 and has 350 programming lines. The applet is my first C-like program ever. Anyway, here is the source (TRAVEL.JAVA 12.5 kb) - true C-programmers might find the source amusing - I have a Delphi background, which however taught me OOP. Please harass me with comments and suggestions :=)!

Possible updates of the source will be FTP-available at here.

Please send comments or suggestions to [email protected] - please use subject "TRAVEL".

[About the Author]


"The Law of Karma : What you download is what you upload"