A Surveying Project


Rough Sketch
Actual Plan
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A Surveying Project for Year 9
(Painsley Catholic High School, Summer 1998)

What do you do with your maths classes when they have sat their SATs in Year 9? Here is one idea that proved to be quite successful. Both the pupils and I enjoyed it and it gave them an insight into how some very simple mathematics can be used for a very useful practical application. It also highlighted some of the history behind the development of mathematics.

The task was to make an accurate plan of the school playing fields by using triangulation. As preparation in class we discussed how surveying had come into being and I asked them to do some research on ancient surveying techniques as a homework.

The method of splitting an area into large triangles in order to make an accurate plan was shown. Pupils were split up into groups and allocated a section of the fields in which to make measurements. I chose several large triangles to cover most of the area and instructed the pupils on how to maintain a straight line by using poles and how to take offsets from this straight line to the boundaries of the field. Both negative and positive offsets were discussed and also how to accurately locate landmarks on the plan. No angles were measured at all.

Pupils then ..............  Well, why not let one of the pupils who completed the project carry on the story? Here is the work of Charlotte Hurst from 9A2.


If you would like to contact me about this project here is my e-mail address, [email protected]