Pastoral Care


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Painsley Catholic High School is an Investor in People

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Pastoral Care
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Painsley was granted Eco-School status in 1999

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Pastoral Care

The school combines a year group and a house system.  In the year groups, form teachers are immediately responsible for the pastoral care of those within their form.  In addition to seeing their pupils during registration time, form teachers also teach their pupils during the form period, when pastoral work is undertaken.  Form teachers liaise closely with the Assistant Heads of Year, Heads of Year, and the Deputy Heads who are charged with the overall responsibility for the academic and social welfare and discipline of the pupils.

There are six houses at Painsley: Ward House, Beckett House, Newman House, Chad House, More House and Fisher House and, upon admission to the school, your child will be placed in one of these.  There is a keen competition among their Houses for various sporting and other annual trophies.

The Chaplain of the school has a particular pastoral concern for all pupils.

The Education Welfare Officer works closely with the staff in identifying reasons for absence from school and visits homes.  Where help is needed he can advise on free meals, clothing grants, bus contracts and other financial matters.

If your child is absent from school, a telephone message or a note explaining the absence is essential.  Please sign and date all notes.  If the absence is likely to exceed three days, and there has been no contact from the parents, the education Welfare Officer must investigate the absence.  Please avoid an unnecessary visit to your home by keeping the school informed on the first day of absence.

It is hoped that appointments with doctors, dentists, opticians etc. can be arranged outside school hours whenever possible.

Children are expected to attend regularly throughout the school year.  Irregular attendance hinders progress in all subjects.  Punctuality is an important duty and responsibility.  Children must be in school on time for the morning and afternoon sessions.

Pupils are expected to remain on the school premises for the whole of the lunch break.  No child is allowed to leave the premises without permission.

School Policy on Bullying

We have always adopted a clear approach towards any form of bullying at our school.

The staff and the Governors have written a school policy on bullying which was summarised and distributed to all parents and pupils.  This gave a good idea of how the policy works.

The report from the OfSTED (Office for Standards in Education) Inspection stated that the pupils felt secure and happy at school, that they found no evidence of bullying and commended the pupils on the respectful attitude they showed towards staff and each other.  All this means that our approach is understood, is respected and effective.

Nevertheless, we must continue to be alert to any signs of bullying and avoid any complacency.  

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Painsley was awarded Beacon School status in 1998

Sportsmark Award from the English Sports Council

Painsley is a partner in the Moorlands Sixth Form Centre

You are visiting the Web Site of Painsley Catholic High School.  
Date last edited: 16/09/04

E-mail us at [email protected]
Telephone: 01538 483944
Address: Station Road, Cheadle, S-O-T, Staffordshire, ST10 1LH

Web site developed and managed by Peter Challinor, (ICT Manager) and Peter Weatherby (School Chaplain).
Other contributors - Pat Forbes (Admin officer) and Nicky Green.