About Painsley
Painsley Catholic CollegePainsley Catholic College is situated in Cheadle Staffordshire and is one of the leading schools in the country. Painsley consistently achieves excellent grades at GCSE level and the shared VI Form continues this sucess. The Name
The name “Painsley” was chosen because it had a common link with all the parishes which cover our school community. From Painsley Hall, Draycott, one of the Draycott family houses, came a “Painsley and Draycott Mission”, which served the neighbouring areas and from which grew those parishes which are now connected with this college. Awards and College Status
Below is some information about the awards that Painsley Catholic Collge has recieved.
RM Centre of Excellence
Painsley ICT Department utilizes modern technology in day-to-day life. Through its development Painsley has worked closely with Research Machines, and has built up a strong working relationship with them. This history of working together has helped Painsley gain an ‘RM Centre of Excellence’ Award.
Investors in People
The Investors in People Standard give you a framework to ensure that you achieve thi. It doesn’t matter what size or type of organisation you are, the Investors in People Standard is there to help you improve the way you work. You have to meet the same criteria – or ‘indicators’ – as other organisations, but the Standard recognises that you will meet them in your own way. Investors in People recognises that organisations use different means to achieve success through their people. It does not prescribe any one method but provides a framework to help you find the most suitable means for achieving success through your people.
Becta ICT Mark
The ICT Mark is an externally assessed quality mark against which organisations can measure whether they have reached a recognised standard of maturity in their use of technology.
Sport England
Sport England exists to sustain and increase participation in community sport.
This includes informal activities like aerobics and pilates; newer activities, such as skateboarding; and more traditional team sports like football and netball.
Specialist Science School
There are 367 designated specialist science colleges, including 40 colleges combining science with another specialism and 31 colleges that have science as a second specialism. Each are at the forefront of innovation in science and mathematics. Each science college has its own distinctive ethos, but works towards the aims outlined in the science college mission statement.
Eco-School Award
The Eco-Schools programme provides a simple framework to enable your school to analyse its operations and become more sustainable.
By following the programme, your school will become a more stimulating place in which to learn, whilst reducing the environmental impact of the whole school on the community.
The scheme is rooted in a genuine desire to help children become more effective citizens by encouraging them to take responsibility for the future of their own environment. It is not about environmental excellence, it is about your school starting to look at how it impacts upon the environment and how this is decided upon and can be managed.
Pupil involvement is a key part of the Eco-Schools programme. Having pupils engaged in the whole process, including monitoring, action planning and decision-making, leads to genuine ownership of the programme and an increase in their sense of responsibility for the school environment and local area.
Healthy School
National Healthy School Status is achieved within a rigorous quality assurance framework. All schools achieving National Healthy School Status must have met national criteria using a whole school approach across the four core themes.
The purpose of the NHSP Quality Assurance framework is to:
- Maximise consistency
- Increase participation
- Maintain rigour
All schools undergo our Quality Assurance process.
Schools identify needs and necessary actions through an audit. Local programmes support schools as appropriate to the needs of the school. Schools self validate when they are sure the criteria is met and minimum evidence is in place, with outcomes recorded.
A sample of schools is chosen to be moderated by a local Quality Assurance Group which consists of the Local Programme Coordinators and partners from health and education.