Information for Parents and Prospective Parents
Painsley has achieved three outstanding OfSTED reports and has been recognised in Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector’s Annual Reports. As a result we became a Beacon School. We aim to build on the success of the past, to strengthen the values and achievements of the present, and to prepare for the developments of the future.
OfSTED Comments
“Pupils show impressive maturity. They respect and respond very well to others with whom relationships are often highly supportive to learning.”
“The pupils’ attitudes to work are very good and they behave in an exemplary manner, they take full advantage of the very good range of extra-curricular opportunities available.”
“The teaching is very good and enables pupils to learn successfully and achieve very well. Teachers have high expectations of what pupils can achieve and challenge them to reach their best standard. Teachers are very skilled in managing pupils. Classes are managed so well partly because teachers plan their lessons carefully. They clearly identify what is to be learned and they share the purpose of lessons with pupils, so that every pupil is made aware of the sequence of what is to be learned in the time available.”